Directors Council

The Directors Council is a group made up of people who have experienced homelessness in Anoka, Dakota, Scott, Carver or Washington counties. This group makes decisions and recommendations for improvements to our Coordinated Entry system.

Coordinated Entry is a community process developed to help ensure that all people experiencing a housing crisis have fair and equal access and are quickly identified, assessed for, referred, and connected to housing and assistance based on their strengths and needs. Coordinated Entry is always a work-in-progress; we are never finished improving! 

The Council meets twice monthly to direct the work of SMAC’s Coordinated Entry system. They help decide system priorities and provide suggestions for improvements in policies and practices.

Who can be a Director?

Directors can be people who have  experienced or are currently experiencing homelessness in Anoka, Dakota, Scott, Carver, or Washington counties, and ideally have had experience with our Coordinated Entry system. This would include:

❏        People who have completed a housing assessment

❏        Current participants in supportive housing programs

❏        Past participants in supportive housing programs

❏        People who were turned away from Coordinated Entry

❏        People who have exited Coordinated Entry into stable housing

How many Directors do we need?

We are aiming for 15.

How much will Directors be paid?

Directors will be paid $22/hour for meetings, which are held on Zoom. You can expect two 1.5-hour meetings per month.

What is the process if someone is interested in becoming a Director?

Anyone interested can sign up by clicking here. We will send you an interest form to fill out, and set up an informational meeting (at a time and location of their choice) to discuss further.

When/where do they meet?

We meet virtually by Zoom or by phone. We meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month from 4:30-6:00. If this presents a barrier for you, please let us know and we will do our best to problem-solve.